Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Cross Section Labeling

Civil 3D comes with an array of label styles to modify *out of the box* and gets you pretty close to what you need. Once you have the section views in place it becomes quite simple to add & modify labels.

*Remember that you can always click on any picture to enlarge!*

1.) Firstly, click "Sections" --> "Add Section View Lables"

2.) In this box under "Label Type" you will able to choose whether you want to label slope, offset & elevations, etc... Then you can choose the label style that you would like to use.

3.) I would suggest creating a copy of the existing label styles and modify them to your needs.

4.) Now at this stage I wanted to create 2 label sets (i.e. one for the bottom & one for the top) I will choose to have the labels vertical off of the bends and anchors.

Let's start with the Bottom labeling...

You can choose to use a line, leader or just have elevations and offsets show up. I chose to have a line point to where the elevation stems from.

5.) I'm not going in any detail on the settings. I'm just posting screen shots of the final settings that I composed. *If you have any questions please feel free to comment!*

Click "Add" on the Add Labels box *see above*, choose the section view, then choose the part of the cross section in which you want to label. Make sure that your "offset elevation label style" is set to "Bottom" or the one you just created.

6.) Finally, create a copy of this new style that you have made. Change the name to "Top" or something simple. For the line you will need to change the Angle from 90 degrees to 270 degrees and I didn't change anything on the text portion of the settings.

That's it! Pretty easy huh?

That concludes today's topic of "Cross Section Labeling - 101"


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